What is Defensive Driving?
Also known as the Insurance reduction Program or Accident Prevention Workshop
After completion of this 6-hour course, NY Drivers receive:
4 Point Reduction on your Driving Record
If you have incurred violations during the 18 month period prior to completing the course, up to four (4) points will automatically be reduced on your driving record. The point reduction could help you avoid a license suspension. NOTE: The point total cannot be reduced below zero. Point reduction can only be credited once every eighteen (18) months. This course cannot be used to reduce future points.10% Off Your Insurance Premium
When you complete the Internet Point and Insurance Reduction Program, you are eligible for a 10% discount on your Collision and Auto Liability insurance premium, including Property Damage (PD), Bodily Injury (BI), and Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Your discount will apply to all vehicles for which you are the principal operator FOR 3 YEARS.
Who is eligible to take the course?
All principle vehicle operators are eligible including:
All drivers, regardless of violation / accident record
Youthful drivers who will get a discount in addition to any discount for driver education training
"Assigned Risk" drivers
Commercial / Executive vehicle operators
Senior Citizens
Motorcycle drivers - the discount can be added to both the motorcycle and auto policies.
​Now Available online through Empire Safety Council!
Visit: ny-drivercourses.com
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